Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Pinching Pennies... Redbox Style

This Summer I've joined in on the library Summer Reading Program for Adults, in my neck of the woods. They have this list of activities to do and one of them asked you to like the library on Facebook and then leave a comment on why you love the library.
Why do I love the library???
I love the library because they are family friendly with great family and children's programs....
and then it hit me...
And I save MONEY by checking out movies instead of Redboxing it on a weekly bases!
So I did a little simple Math.
We check out FIVE movies for my daughter and TWO for myself every week.
At Redbox prices this would be an average of $1.21 per movie times SEVEN
equalling $8.47 per day...
Now multiply that times the full SEVEN days that we are allowed to keep the movies and you have a whopping....
$59.29 per week
Do you ever keep a Redbox movie that long? Or that many at one time for that long? Probably not, however, on several occasions I have been caught with THREE movies for three or four days and my total is about ELEVEN DOLLARS.
Reality... When I use my library I know that we have the movies for ONE WEEK and we get to watch them or not watch them and I don't have to feel guilty about that.
So happy Library Hunting because this girl loves that fact that she is saving $59.29 per week on movies this Summer. So this month I will save $237.16 on entertainment from not renting REDBOX. And by Summers End... $711.48
Now that is something I can write home about!!!
Happy Thrifty Squeaking

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